This initiative is the brainstorm of our former Chapter President, Leon Rhodes. We are asking all active members to donate at least $100 to our Dr. William “Bill” Harbour Scholarship Fund each year and to encourage non-active alums and supporters to also donate to this fund. These funds are immediately available to assist Atlanta area TSU students.
See below for a list of this current year’s donors!
Our objectives are:
- Increase the number and amount of scholarships given to metro Atlanta area students.
- Increase alumni membership and participation.
- Create a dynamic alumni program that will stimulate interest, build loyalty, increase involvement and generate support for the university.
With the help of donations from supporters such as yourself, we hope to see an increase in membership, alumni participation, and an increase in the amount and the number of students that we provide scholarships to each year. Our goal for this year is to award at least $20,000 in scholarships to metro Atlanta TSU students and we need YOU to make that happen!
Please feel free to donate any amount. Those who donate $100 or more will be listed here on this page. Tax-deductible donations can be made directly through PayPal® here on the chapter website. Payments can also be made at any monthly chapter meeting or mailed to the address listed on this page:
Let’s make an impact this year!! Thank you for your contributions!
William “Bill” Harbour “100” Initiative
2019 – 2020 Donors
Emanuel Abston | Shequila Beamer | Omega Becton |
Alumni Beta Omicron | Carl Blair | Patricia Blakely |
Clyde Bolds | Sidney J Boney | Mia Brown |
Robin Brown | Karen Bryant | Latasha Burton |
Keith Caine | Courtney Cyrus | A Dwight Danzy |
Joe Debose | Karen Evans | Jacqueline Fail |
Michael Fells | Delphine Fontenot | Toni & Jeffrey Forbes |
Janne & Guy Foxworth | Mack Frank | Leanthony Freeman |
Grindl Garrett | Doris Evans Gates | Deidre George |
Daryl Gilliam | Warren Gillis | Greg Goodwin |
Mark Grant | Tiffany Haney | Marcus Harbour |
William Harbour | Darlene Harris | Melgnee Liffridge Harris |
Sheena Holland | Gertrude Huff | Sabreen Jai |
Marquita Jenkins | Joy C Johnson | Sandy G Johnson |
Adoph Jones | Darlynn Jordan | Janiene Joseph |
Patricia Livingston | Nathan Lovett | Cynthia Mathis |
Patricia May | Walter & Nancy McBurrows | Seanta McClendon |
Gary & Annie McGill | Cordell & Reisha McKinney | Eric Means |
Melana Mims | Wanda Morant | Hoyt Nunnally |
Lill Owens | John & Clarice Phelps | Earline Pitts |
Santana Pruitt | Joy Reed | Sandra Rice |
Bertha Ridley | Diane Roberson | Shirley Roper |
Tara Ross | Dorothy Salone | Tiffany Carter Sellers |
Rozalind Simon | Dexter & Ardon Smalls | Genea Smith |
Joanne Smith | Freida Smith | Clifton Spears |
Glynis Spencer | Annette Stamper | Shatoja Staten |
Gina Stewart | Ronsharius Strozler | Trinesta Strozler |
Gena Townsend | Michael Townsend | Roxanne Tulloss |
Stephen Vance | Ada Vann | Thomas Wall |
Charlie A Wright | ||