Chair: Dorothy Moseley This committee is responsible for checking the P.O. Box, review all communications and submit same to the proper authority of The Chapter. Identify and notify The Chapter of death and illness...
Chair: Ardon Smalls This committee is responsible for planning community service projects for the chapter. Previous projects included: BINGO with the residents at the J. O. Chiles Senior Residence Center, Adopt-A-Highway, Clothing Donations, Toy...
Chair: Keith Caine This committee is responsible for welcoming new members, generating new ideas and strategies to recruit new members, and reclaiming previous members. This committee works closely with the Programs Committee.
Chair: Darlynn Jordan This committee plans, organizes, and promotes our fundraising activities. Our fundraisers include, but are not limited to: Scholarship & Awards Brunch, Golf Tournament, etc. This committee is also responsible for planning...
Chair: Shatoja Staten This committee is responsible for publicizing chapter events through various media outlets and assisting the Fundraising Committee in its efforts to increase donations. The PR Committee is also responsible for finding...
Chair: Kimm Freeman This committee is responsible for finding ways to engage Atlanta area high school students and our current TSU students. The committee also handles all requests for chapter funded scholarships including the...
Chair: Patricia Livingston/Gena Townsend This committee manages the chapter website and e-mail distribution list. This committee also makes recommendations to the chapter regarding methods to increase the use of technology to meet current needs.