To be considered a financial member of the TSU National Alumni Association – Atlanta Chapter, you will need to pay local, regional and national dues.  All members pay $45 each fiscal year ($35 local chapter dues plus $10 regional dues) plus the appropriate amount for national dues as indicated below:

  • $0 for Paid-in Full Life/Millennium Members
  • $30 for Regular/Associate members
  • $300 for Subscribing (new) Millennium members (can be paid over a 1 year period)
  • $750 for Subscribing (new) Life members (can be paid over a 1 year period)

*Please refer to the Atlanta Chapter Constitution & By-Laws for a description of all membership categories.

Once you submit this form, you’ll see a link to our PayPal page where you can pay your membership dues online.

* Required field

  • You will be added to the chapter email list.
  • Format for phone number:   XXX-XXX-XXXX

  • (example: 2002)
  • (example: 1999-2001)

  • Do you want your name included on our website directory?
  • Do you want a link to your e-mail address on our website directory?